Jun 14, 2007

Firefox 3 alpha released

The latest of the renegade browser was released last week.

The alpha of the upcoming firefox 3 codenamed Grano Paradiso is available for download.According to the mozilla developer news the new Firefox 3.0 (aka Gran Paradiso) Alpha 5 is an early developer milestone for Firefox 3 and the next generation of Mozilla’s layout engine, Gecko 1.9. It is mainly developed for testing purposes only and is intended to be used by web application developers and by the mozilla community. It is recommended for Firefox users to wait for the full release of Firefox 3.0.

Firefox 3.0 Aplha 5 Change Log

Here are some of the changes included with Firefox 3.0 Alpha 5:

Bookmarks portion of Places is now active
There is a new crash reporting system called Breakpad
New javascript password manager
Some Gecko 1.9 bug fixes
The complete changelog can be viewed here

Download Firefox 3.0 Alpha 5 For Windows

You can download the latest Firefox 3.0 release but it is recommended for users to wait till the final release.

While I'm bloggin this it is being installed in the background.Cant wait to try the new version.